Switched from Mallard Creek Shavings because of poor quality, wet shavings, small, expensive bags. But over time have spent thousands buying their shavings. Sometimes I’m required to purchase their product at horse shows. Well, no more, after it comes out in a FB post that they have little tolerance for the American Quarter Horse, or breeders of AQHA horses. They assume a broad generalization of all AQHA horses, and feel compelled to spread awareness of the culture of malpractice Quarter Horse Breeders are engaged in. I hope Quarter Horse owners understand that this type of opinion hurts the entire industry and affects what is truly a great breed. I won’t endorse a business that is willing to put down the same horse owners/customers who provide for their livelihood.
Switched from Mallard Creek Shavings because of poor quality, wet shavings, small, expensive bags. But over time have spent thousands buying their shavings. Sometimes I’m required to purchase their product at horse shows. Well, no more, after it comes out in a FB post that they have little tolerance for the American Quarter Horse, or breeders of AQHA horses. They assume a broad generalization of all AQHA horses, and feel compelled to spread awareness of the culture of malpractice Quarter Horse Breeders are engaged in. I hope Quarter Horse owners understand that this type of opinion hurts the entire industry and affects what is truly a great breed. I won’t endorse a business that is willing to put down the same horse owners/customers who provide for their livelihood.