Didn't know if my credit card payment attempt outside went through or not and how to use Safeway card, so went inside to ask the ugly fat lady working there. She immediately had a very bad attitude just for trying to ask. Then her bearded gay male friend who I couldn't tell if works there too joined her in arguing about my question. After she refused to cooperate and simply answer my question of whether or not my payment went through, I told her that's why she works there and can't get a good job because she has a bad attitude.
Didn't know if my credit card payment attempt outside went through or not and how to use Safeway card, so went inside to ask the ugly fat lady working there. She immediately had a very bad attitude just for trying to ask. Then her bearded gay male friend who I couldn't tell if works there too joined her in arguing about my question. After she refused to cooperate and simply answer my question of whether or not my payment went through, I told her that's why she works there and can't get a good job because she has a bad attitude.