This gas station usually offer the lowest price in Los Angeles County. Often lower price than Costco gasoline stations. Furthermore, they offer credit and debit card payers with same low cash price. However, the pay at the pump equipment has label stated "For debit card only". In other words, credit card must be paid inside the store. If you want to fill up by credit card, they require you to give a specific amount, and they charge the amount to your credit card first. Of course, the dispenser will stop dispensing gas at that specific amount. On the other hand, if your vehicle cannot take that much gasoline then they will refund overpayment back to your credit card. Obviously, they must experienced many customers paying with credit card that were declined for the amount of gasoline they have dispensed into their vehicle. In my humble opinion, they should offer an alternative that will be asking credit card paying customers to make a cash deposit larger than the amount their vehicle will take. After gasoline has been dispensed, the exact dollar amount become known, customer then go back to the cashier to have the credit card charged for the amount and have the cash deposit returned.
This gas station usually offer the lowest price in Los Angeles County. Often lower price than Costco gasoline stations. Furthermore, they offer credit and debit card payers with same low cash price. However, the pay at the pump equipment has label stated "For debit card only". In other words, credit card must be paid inside the store. If you want to fill up by credit card, they require you to give a specific amount, and they charge the amount to your credit card first. Of course, the dispenser will stop dispensing gas at that specific amount. On the other hand, if your vehicle cannot take that much gasoline then they will refund overpayment back to your credit card. Obviously, they must experienced many customers paying with credit card that were declined for the amount of gasoline they have dispensed into their vehicle. In my humble opinion, they should offer an alternative that will be asking credit card paying customers to make a cash deposit larger than the amount their vehicle will take. After gasoline has been dispensed, the exact dollar amount become known, customer then go back to the cashier to have the credit card charged for the amount and have the cash deposit returned.