The crew, if that is what you want to call them, are closer to a gang of know nothings. Threads that are meant to intimidate rather then to help. According to these morons they will cut your line if they find swivel on the tangled line, and attribute the tangled line a fault of the swivel rather then the fisher man inability to control the fish.
In short these are the worst kind to keep as a pin head that doesn't have the ambition to learn, they were rude , and crude in stupid, and would not recommend this party boat, lack of everything they need to be shown the door.
It was my misfortune to have chosen the Island Spirit for a day of fishing. My advice is to save your money and find a boat that will work for your fishing success. One meaning myself was wrong. This bunch of misfits was only interested in making sure that one fished according to their instruction and any violation, like having a swivel on your line would be used to justify cutting your line automatically. Lazy pin heads. Forget about storing a second pole, there are not enough rod holders so you get to carry your spare pole in one hand and fish with the other hand, makes me feel that I was robbed by paying the one day fare. Nothing like driving the boat for three hours in one direction, catching mackerel for bait, then turn around and head back home for another three hour trip, swear to god, the other boats were long fishing and these yahoo doggies etc etc etc..not recommended , watch out for the toilets watch that first step it can hurt, totally disgusting.
The crew, if that is what you want to call them, are closer to a gang of know nothings. Threads that are meant to intimidate rather then to help. According to these morons they will cut your line if they find swivel on the tangled line, and attribute the tangled line a fault of the swivel rather then the fisher man inability to control the fish. In short these are the worst kind to keep as a pin head that doesn't have the ambition to learn, they were rude , and crude in stupid, and would not recommend this party boat, lack of everything they need to be shown the door. It was my misfortune to have chosen the Island Spirit for a day of fishing. My advice is to save your money and find a boat that will work for your fishing success. One meaning myself was wrong. This bunch of misfits was only interested in making sure that one fished according to their instruction and any violation, like having a swivel on your line would be used to justify cutting your line automatically. Lazy pin heads. Forget about storing a second pole, there are not enough rod holders so you get to carry your spare pole in one hand and fish with the other hand, makes me feel that I was robbed by paying the one day fare. Nothing like driving the boat for three hours in one direction, catching mackerel for bait, then turn around and head back home for another three hour trip, swear to god, the other boats were long fishing and these yahoo doggies etc etc etc..not recommended , watch out for the toilets watch that first step it can hurt, totally disgusting.