It has been one year and there's so many problems that I have experienced with it. One of the windows does not roll down, there's cosmetic damages(which he discounted 500 dollars for but I found out later would be worth more) and my tire pressure light has been on since I got it, only to find out IT HAS AN INCORRECT TIRE AND THAT THEY REPLACED THE ORIGINAL TIRES FOR OLD ONES. My car is from the year 2015, but the tires were from 2000!!! I HAD TO PAY 500 DOLLARS FOR THEM. Do they check their cars?! HOW CAN THEY SELL ME A CAR WITHOUT TELLING ME ABOUT THE WINDOW AND TIRES. That's about a thousand worth of fixing that right there. I'm am truly upset, never recommending anyone here.
they gave me a very good service when i bounght my car I recommend them they help the customers a lot if your car has some problem they fix it without excuses